York University, May 29- June 2, 2017

Session: Indigenous Women’s Geographies

Organizers: Martha Dowsley (Lakehead University) and Magalie Quintal-Marineau (University of Ottawa)

Abstract submission deadline: February 24th, 2017

We are pleased to invite papers for a session exploring the cultural and gendered construction of Indigenous place/space including, but not limited to, Indigenous women’s habitation of the world and environment through livelihood, family and tradition. Studies addressing the colonial legacy of dispossession and (re)construction of Indigenous space and territory have paid limited attention to female perspective and experience, so we will focus on women. Also, in this session we wish to explore the perspective of Indigenous women and migration, examining push, pull and anchor factors in decisions about emigration, and construction of place.

In this session, we ask: what is women’s place/space within Indigenous geographies, including urban environments? What is the relation between gender and the construction of contemporary Indigenous space? How do women contribute to Indigenous geographies?

Possible topics include:

·      Women’s migration (push, pull and anchor factors)

·      Rural-urban dynamics

·      Gendered aspects of Indigenous livelihoods

·      Women’s space and place

·      Indigenous feminist approaches to space

If you are interested to submit an abstract, please visit CAG website: http://cag-acg2017.ca/paper-poster-submissions/. Also, we would greatly appreciate if you could send your abstract to the organizers directly. We look forward reading your abstracts.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at magalie.quintal@uottawa.ca or mdowsley@lakeheadu.ca .


Magalie Quintal-Marineau, Ph.D.

Professeure temps partiel / Part-time Professor

Institut d’études canadiennes et autochtones /

Institute of Canadian and Aboriginal Studies

Chercheure postdoctorale / Postdoctoral Fellow

Département de géographie, environnement et géomatique / 

Department of Geography, Environment & Geomatics

Institut de recherche sur la science, la société et la politique (ISSP) / 

Institute for science, society and policy (ISSP)

Université d’Ottawa / University of Ottawa