Reflection 1: In and Then out of Gitxaala, Becoming One of Its ‘Butterflies
Roth, Solen. 2011. “Reflection 1: In and Then out of Gitxaala, Becoming One of Its ‘Butterflies.’” In Charles R. Menzies and Caroline F. Butler. “Collaborative Service Learning and Anthropology with Gitxaała Nation.” With reflections by Solen Roth, Natalie J.K. Baloy, Robin Anderson, Jennifer Wolowic, and Oralia Gomez-Ramirez; and concluding comments by Nees Mma’Outa. Collaborative Anthropologies. 4: 188-200.
Roth, Solen, « Reflection 1: In and Then out of Gitxaala, Becoming One of Its ‘Butterflies » « Collaborative Service Learning and Anthropology with Gitxaała Nation », Collaborative Anthropologies, 2011-01.